

I have a job as the E-Resources Cataloger at Davis Library at UNC Chapel Hill. It’s not a permanent job yet, but I will apply for it as a permanent position when it comes up.

So, I have more things to say and share that might actually be useful to someone (instead of mainly abstract theoretical stuff that takes a really long time to think out and write). So, maybe I will update this blog more often.

Maybe. 🙂

i’ll save you!

Unclutterer, a blog about getting organized and uncluttered, recently asked its readers to share a bit about themselves and (among other things) the kind of topics they would like more coverage on, what issues they need help with.

On the wrap-up short-list: Photograph and video organization.

Also: Organizing digital data and Paper clutter

OK, so my work is not going to save anyone but it’s a step in that direction. Hey, I’m relevant!