newish from netlibrary

Links will work for the UNC-CH affiliated…

Body, mind and healing after Jung [electronic resource] : a space of questions / edited by Raya A. Jones.

Black dogs and blue words [electronic resource] : depression and gender in the age of self-care / Kimberly K. Emmons.

Joy at work, work at joy [electronic resource] : living and working mindfully every day / Joan Marques.

The truth about ADHD and other neurobiological disorders [electronic resource] / Robert N. Golden, general editor Fred L. Peterson, general editor Karen H. Meyers, principal author.

Impulse control disorders [electronic resource] / edited by Elias Aboujaoude, Lorrin M. Koran.

Introduction to counselling survivors of interpersonal trauma [electronic resource] / Christiane Sanderson.

The adolescent and adult neuro-diversity handbook [electronic resource] : Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and related conditions / Sarah Hendrickx with a chapter on dyslexia by Claire Salter.

Hypocrisy unmasked [electronic resource] : dissociation, shame, and the ethics of inauthenticity / Ronald C. Naso.

Male sexuality [electronic resource] : why women don’t understand it– and men don’t either / Michael Bader.

Rich, free, and miserable [electronic resource] : the failure of success in America / John Brueggemann.

best evidence.

I seem to often hear those opposed to FRBR/RDA for whatever reasons say things like: “The FRBR user tasks were not tested with real users. We have no idea if the FRBR model actually supports what users want to do.” Those more strident simply aver that the FRBR model does not support real user tasks.

But check this:

With expressions, editions/manifestations, and works…. indeed LT might become the most full implementation of FRBR out there, as Tim suggests. Which is perhaps ironic because I’m pretty sure LT/Tim don’t care at all about implementing FRBR for the sake of FRBR,or for the sake of ‘standards’. LT is implementing what makes sense to meet their user’s needs. [Which is perhaps why initially Tim was resistant to accepting that he was ‘doing FRBR’ at all]. (src: Bibliographic Wilderness)

letter to my representative

The House is scheduled to consider amendments to H.R. 1 this week. I am particularly concerned about this amendment. Please do not allow it to move forward:

Offered By: Mr. Garrett

AMENDMENT NO. 35: Page 303, line 13, after the dollar amount, insert “(reduced by $265,869,000)”.

Page 359, line 13, after the dollar amount, insert “(increased by $265,869,000)”.

Of course, page 303, line 13 is where H.R. 1 allocates $265,869,000 to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). This amendment would eliminate all IMLS funding, including Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding.

LSTA funding supports all kinds of libraries: school, academic, and public. Libraries are already struggling in these difficult financial times, but I am particularly concerned about cuts to public library funding.

Public libraries might seem expendable to people who can hop on their always-on home high-speed broadband connections (or shiny mobile devices) to buy new e-books for their fancy e-book readers.

But, as of May 2010, one third of American adults did NOT have a high-speed broadband connection at home (source: As you know if you have accessed the Web via a dial-up connection in the last five or six years, accessing the vast majority of current content without high-speed access is very time-consuming and frustrating.

Public libraries are lifelines to opportunity and hope for those struggling the most in our communities as the gap between the mainstreet American and the bailed-out, fat-bonused, tax-loopholed and -havened rich continues to widen.

Today, a successful job search in many fields requires researching careers and potential employers, filling out online job applications (many employers will no longer accept paper applications!), and regularly composing and checking email. At your public library, you can do these things without needing a functioning, up-to-date laptop and the money for a cup of coffee in order to sit for a while and access the “free” wi-fi. (I’m proud that my town of Carrboro provides truly free wi-fi to everyone downtown, but you still need an expensive piece of equipment to make use of it.)

Further, many public libraries offer freely available continuing education to help people gain technical skills they need to get jobs.

Hard working Americans in very difficult times use the services offered by public libraries to pull themselves back up onto their feet. Cutting funding to public libraries yanks another rug from under many who are struggling to hold on to anything; please vote against Garret’s Amnd. 35 to H.R. 1.

Nearly 1,250 Federal depository libraries in the US and its territories provide local, no-fee access to Government information in an impartial environment with professional assistance.

I am a librarian at a depository library. Our Documents collection takes up a large amount of space and a number of full-time staff. The importance and scale of Government information affects more decisions in the library than I ever would have guessed before working in this environment.

Funding cuts anywhere in the library squeeze the rest of the library. Eliminating IMLS funding may or may not directly cut into libraries’ provision of Federal depository services, but the effects will “trickle down” to those services much faster and more effectively than newly-created “wealth” ever did.

So, please eliminate Garret’s Amnd. 35 to H.R. 1.

The indisputable facts of what Government is actually doing day-to-day are increasingly available only online, via the Library of Congress-created and other .gov sites. Cutting public library funding will also strip away struggling Americans’ ability to remain informed and engaged citizens.

This is not only an end-user Web access problem.

Elimination of all IMLS funding would cripple an agency that has supported many e-government-related projects and much research on how to best provide government information to citizens. (See just a few examples in the postscript)

Garret’s Amnd. 35 to H.R. 1 would weaken libraries and inhibit progress in library and information science. Long term, this would decrease Government’s ability to produce useful and reliable Government information tools, as well as compromise access to whatever tools and information exist.

From the website of the US National Archives and Records Administration: “The printed version [of the Declaration of Independence] is on paper and was read aloud from town squares throughout the colonies, so that those who could not read would receive the news…”

Pertinent aside: Libraries also work to promote literacy. One example: (supported by the IMLS)

Today, libraries serve as open information commons in their communities. This nation was founded with the expectation of—and its survival still depends upon—an informed citizenry. In light of this, erosion of funding for not only libraries, but also other cultural institutions, public broadcasting, education, and science is a chilling spectre.

A vote for Garret’s Amnd. 35 to H.R. 1 is a vote against an informed, empowered citizenry. If the U.S. Government truly supports the freedom, equality, and democracy it espouses, it must recognize that elimination of library funding is a move against its own interests.

Please vote AGAINST Garret’s Amnd. 35 to H.R. 1.

Kristina M. Spurgin
– E-Resources cataloger, Davis Library, UNC Chapel Hill
– Doctoral candidate, School of Information and Library Science, UNC Chapel Hill
– Teacher and life-long learner
– Voracious information consumer and creator
– Former child to whom public and school libraries were an intellectual and psychological lifeline in Florida, Louisiana, Washington, Kansas, South Carolina, and Georgia
– North Carolina voter

Here are a few current and past IMLS funded e-government projects:

– Development of a Web-based resource to help libraries and governments provide better e-government–related services such as filing taxes, applying for citizenship, enrolling children in schools, and applying for social services.

– A project to improve access to federal government publications and create a model for improving depository library services and operations.

– Two library schools will create a new librarianship specialization in government information services. This new concentration will address challenges presented by changes in the ways governments produce and make information available to the public.

– Further development of a dual master’s degree program in public administration and library or information science with an emphasis in digital curation to provide a model for other programs and highly trained individuals who will help government archives protect the public’s interest in preserving electronic government records.

– SuDocs classification of the entirety of the federal government’s public Web presence immediately before and after the 2009 change in presidential administrations, demonstrating a process by which government resources can be aligned with an individual library’s collecting priorities and also shared among other institutions utilizing the SuDocs system.

– …the Star-Spangled Center, an innovative learning environment for civic education to show how the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government operate, and how laws are created, interpreted, and enforced.

– Creation of a multistate, multitype library training program to train reference and public service librarians in using electronic federal government information resources in order to increase the confidence of existing government publication librarians, increase the knowledge of more than 500 general librarians, and create an online learning and support environment.

jruby/rawr exe bundling headbanging with windows xp.

Since I could find nothing on this online, some notes in case it helps anyone.

On Windows XP SP3
jruby 1.5.5
rawr 1.4.5

I was trying to do this:

jruby -S rake rawr:bundle:exe

I kept getting this error:

** Invoke rawr:bundle:exe (first_time)
** Invoke rawr:jar (first_time)
** Invoke package/jar/sersol_delete_url_check.jar (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke package/classes/java/org/rubyforge/rawr/Main.class (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke src/org/rubyforge/rawr/ (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke package/classes/java (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke package/classes/META-INF (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke package/jar (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute rawr:jar
cp lib/java/jruby-complete.jar package/jar/lib/java/jruby-complete.jar
** Invoke package/windows (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute rawr:bundle:exe
Creating Windows application in package/jar/sersol_delete_url_check.exe
rake aborted!
private method `split’ called for nil:NilClass
c:/jruby-1.5.5/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rawr-1.4.5/lib/exe_bundler.rb:95:in `deploy’
c:/jruby-1.5.5/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:636:in `call’

I poked around in exe_bundler.rb and made it put file_dir_name, the part of file_dir_name split out for use in output, and output to the screen:

FILE DIR NAME: c:/jruby-1.5.5/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rawr-1.4.5/lib
OUTPUT: Error: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

I’m on my work computer so I don’t have full admin permissions, but I can run this fine in the cmd window myself:
fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo c:

Anyway, all of that is leading up to finding out whether my file system is FAT32 or NTFS, so it can do:

if 'NTFS' == output.split("n")[3].split(':')[1].strip
sh "echo y | cacls "#{file_dir_name}/launch4j/bin-win/windres.exe" /G "#{ENV['USERNAME']}":F"
sh "echo y | cacls "#{file_dir_name}/launch4j/bin-win/ld.exe" /G "#{ENV['USERNAME']}":F"

I know it is NTFS, so I just commented out the if block lines:

#if 'NTFS' == output.split("n")[3].split(':')[1].strip
sh "echo y | cacls "#{file_dir_name}/launch4j/bin-win/windres.exe" /G "#{ENV['USERNAME']}":F"
sh "echo y | cacls "#{file_dir_name}/launch4j/bin-win/ld.exe" /G "#{ENV['USERNAME']}":F"

That’s hideous, but hey, the next run of rawr:bundle:exe worked with no errors, successfully creating my exe.

Of course, now that I have an exe, I have found that it appears to do nothing, regardless of how I run it. But figuring that out is for another day, because I must get ready to leave work.

we don’t need no rule of three.

=245 10$aCrackBerry$h[electronic resource] :$bTrue Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse /$cby Kevin Michaluk, Martin Trautschold, Gary Mazo ; edited by James Markham, Clay Andres, Steve Anglin, Mark Beckner, Ewan Buckingham, Gary Cornell, Jonathan Gennick, Jonathan Hassell, Michelle Lowman, Matthew Moodie, Duncan Parkes, Jeffrey Pepper, Frank Pohlmann, Douglas Pundick, Ben Renow-Clarke, Dominic Shakeshaft, Matt Wade, Tom Welsh, Laurin Becker, Patrick Meador.

Ah, records from Springer.

Seriously, though. Was each editor so distracted by their BlackBerry that they needed that many editors?

(And yes, there is an (uncontrolled) 700 for each of them…)

i’m number six! i’m number six!

December is a magic month for infomusings the blog. It was a year ago that one site listed this blog as the #1 LIS blog. Another year, another spammy site. But now I have fallen to #6.

I will let you in on the secret of how to be one of the best LIS blogs: abandon the blog for long stretches of time and then come back just to post some LCSH that belie your juvenile sense of humor. Occasionally write a rambling post on some obscure thing without making much of a point.

There, now that I’ve given you this valuable information, would you mind posting 100 links to this blog on your own blog? Sigh…

note to self and world: music index, ebsco, and harmonie park press

This kind of info tends to slowly disappear, so I’m recording it here.

I wish there were a way to include this kind of information with or attached to a bibliographic record (or statement, in the free-from-the-tyranny-of-records future) as justification/clarification. Cataloger’s metametadata. But there isn’t a place or way to do that yet…

From Harmonie Park Press’ About Us page on 8 December 2010:

The Music Index: A Subject-Author Guide to Music Periodical Literature. Print and Online

After more than 60 years of producing The Music Index, Information Coordinators, Inc., d/b/a Harmonie Park Press, announced the sale of Music Index ONLINE to EBSCO Publishing, Inc.

The Music Index in PRINT ceased publication with Volume 61, 2009, Annual Cumulation.

From EBSCO press release dated 21 January 2010 (pdf) (local copy of pdf):

EBSCO Publishing Acquires The Music Index Online™ from Harmonie Park Press

~ Acquisition of Comprehensive Subject-Author Guide to Music Periodical Literature Complements the Collection of Music Databases Available on EBSCOhost® ~

IPSWICH, Mass. — January 21, 2010 — Continuing a strong commitment to music research, EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) has acquired The Music Index Online™ from Information Coordinators, Inc., d/b/a Harmonie Park Press, an international leader in music reference publishing.

The Music Index Online has been available on the EBSCOhost® platform since 2005. EBSCO Publishing President Tim Collins says the acquisition makes sense given the depth and breadth of the current music resources available on EBSCOhost®. “EBSCOhost has become the leading platform for music research and it is the most-used platform for The Music Index Online. The acquisition allows EBSCO to invest in and enhance the database while continuing to offer libraries a comprehensive package of music databases.”

EBSCO press release dated 14 Jan 2005:

EBSCO Publishing Partners with Harmonie Park Press
~ EBSCOhost® Interface to Provide Access to The Music Index ~

EBSCO Publishing, a leading producer and distributor of online research databases, and Harmonie Park Press, an international leader in music reference publishing for over fifty-five years, have agreed to make The Music Index available through the EBSCOhost® platform in the coming months. Published since 1949, The Music Index is the single most comprehensive annual subject-author guide to music literature.

According to Mark Herrick, vice president of business development at EBSCO Publishing, “We are thrilled to be able to offer our customers online access to The Music Index. This database fits very well with our growing collection of resources covering the Arts & Humanities”. EBSCO Publishing continues to make available niche databases that represent the definitive reference resource for a given area of study. Nearly 150 databases are now offered via the EBSCOhost platform.

The editor-librarians at Harmonie Park Press have surveyed data from more than 725 international music periodicals from over 40 countries in 23 languages. Topics concerned with every aspect of the classical and popular world of music are thoroughly categorized and organized according to the framework of an internal Subject List which includes both Subject and Geographic headings. Covering all styles and genres of music, The Music Index duly cites book reviews, obituaries, new periodicals, and news and articles about music, musicians, and the music industry. The thoroughness of indexing and subject heading research, along with comprehensive coverage of the music field, makes The Music Index an invaluable resource for both the novice scholar and the experienced academician.

Elaine Gorzelski, president of Harmonie Park Press, said, “We look forward to working with EBSCO to make The Music Index Online available through the popular EBSCOhost platform. This decision is based on our commitment to enhance the usefulness of The Music Index Online. Users will benefit from having additional access to full text articles.” EBSCOhost’s inherent linking capabilities allow subscribing libraries to establish links from citations in The Music Index to corresponding full text found in their other EBSCOhost databases as well as e-journal collections.

EBSCO will communicate more information about the release of The Music Index database on EBSCOhost in the coming months.

EBSCO Publishing, EBSCO Subscription Services, and EBSCO Book Services form the EBSCO Information Services group. EBSCO is a worldwide leader in providing information access and management solutions through print and electronic journal subscription services, research database development and production, online access to approximately 150 databases and thousands of e-journals, and online book purchasing. EBSCO has specialized products and services for academic, medical, government, public and school libraries as well as for corporations and other organizations. EBSCO maintains a comprehensive database of more than 282,000 serial titles and upholds active relationships with more than 60,000 publishers worldwide. 2004 marks EBSCO’s 60th year of serving the library and business communities. For more information, visit

Catalog in the smog report: 18 records for this in WorldCat today. 11 of them English language of cataloging.