tweets of the day: 2007-08-16

  • looking at filmstills. eating jellybeans. about to update syllabus and course website. can’t believe classes start so soon… #
  • haha nerd lovin! or, the crazy stuff you discover on LibraryThing… #
  • @tarheelcoxn i’m glad it looks like your family is ok. i hope you find out for sure soon. yikes. :-/ #
  • ended up finishing folkstreams work for the day instead of working on syllabus… maybe i can copy over my class site tonight, though… #
  • i wish sallie mae would stop trying to get me to take out more student loans! #

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tweets of the day: 2007-08-10

  • Satija, Mohinder Partap. Classification: Some fundamentals, some myths, some realities. Knowledge Organization. 1998; 25(1-2):32-35 #
  • @tarheelcoxn ur right! smalljones is like a gov doc! ?? 🙂 hope you feel better from that cold. #
  • Albrechtsen & Jacob. Dynamics of classification systems as boundary objects for cooperation in the e-libr. Libr Trnds. 1998; 47(2):293-312 #
  • waiting for the red lines on the traffic map to turn yellow so we can go home. lots of caffeine today. twitch, twitch. #
  • home… must get ready to fly to SEA at 7am tomorrow. ugh. #

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tweets of the day: 2007-08-09

  • number of messages in my inbox: 3 aaaahhh. #
  • Olson, Hope A. Universal models: A history of the organization of knowledge. In. Advances in knowledge organization; 1994: 72-80 #
  • Quinn, Brian. RECENT THEORETICAL APPROACHES IN CLASSIFICATION AND INDEXING. Knowledge Organization. 1994; 21(3):140-147 #
  • @smalljones today is just a pretty good day. must record/remember for the next usual day. 🙂 and i wore a hoodie out to lunch. #
  • Beghtol, CL. Knowledge Domains: Multidisciplinarity and Bibliographic Classification Systems. Knowledge Organization. 1998; 25(1-2):1-12 #

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