favorite new/changed lcsh of the week (march 19)

given my reading lately, i’m all about “domestic space”
150 Domestic space in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp2008000957]

150 First-wave feminism [May Subd Geog] [sp2008001557]
680 Here are entered works on the feminist movement of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that focused on reform of women’s social and legal inequalities, especially on the gaining of women’s suffrage.
550 BT Feminism

150 Gothic fiction (Literary genre) [Not Subd Geog] [sp2008020084]
680 Here are entered works on the genre of fiction that combines elements of both horror and romance, featuring psychological and physical terror, the supernatural, castles or monasteries, ghosts, darkness, gloom and doom, etc., usually in a medieval setting. Works on the literary movement that spawned this genre are entered under Gothic revival (Literature).
450 UF Gothic horror tales (Literary genre)
450 UF Gothic novels (Literary genre)
450 UF Gothic romances (Literary genre)
450 UF Gothic tales (Literary genre)
450 UF Romances, Gothic (Literary genre)
550 BT Detective and mystery stories
550 BT Horror tales
550 BT Suspense fiction
681 Note under Gothic revival (Literature)

150 Human sacrifice in opera [Not Subd Geog] [sp2008000718]
550 BT Opera

(for the UFs alone!)
150 Male prostitutes [May Subd Geog] [sp 93007104]
* 053 HQ119-HQ119.4
* 450 UF Boys, Call
* 450 UF Call boys
* 450 UF Callboys
* 450 UF Giglis (Male prostitutes)
* 450 UF Gigolos (Male prostitutes)
* 450 UF Male hustlers
* 450 UF Male sex workers
* 450 UF Rent boys
* 450 UF Rentboys
* 450 UF Taxi boys (Male prostitutes)
* 450 UF Working boys (Male prostitutes)

150 Parents of celebrities [May Subd Geog] [sp2008001497]
550 BT Celebrities

150 Second-wave feminism [May Subd Geog] [sp2008001560]
680 Here are entered works on the period of feminist thought and activity that began in the 1960s and focused on economic and social equality for women, and on the rights of female minorities.
550 BT Feminism

150 Swimming pools-England [sp2008001268]

150 Third-wave feminism [May Subd Geog] [sp2008001561]
680 Here are entered works on the period of feminist thought and activity that began in the 1990s and focused on expanding the common definitions of gender and sexuality by encompassing such additional themes as queer theory, transgender politics, womanism, ecofeminism, libertarian feminism, etc.
550 BT Feminism

150 Woolly bears (Lepidoptera) [May Subd Geog] [sp2008001501]
053 QL561.A8 (Zoology)
450 UF Woolly bear caterpillars
550 BT Arctiidae-Larvae
550 BT Caterpillars

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